Avnei Chein at the Jerusalem Mental Health Expo -2022

Creating mental health awareness, education, collaboration and connection in Israel.

Jerusalem Mental Health Expo 2022 flyer

On May 16, 2022, Avnei Chein participated in the first annual Jerusalem Mental Health Expo, for the purpose of creating mental health awareness, education, collaboration and connection among the various service providers in Israel.  Over 40 different organizations presented their services at booths, giving them an opportunity to explain to each other – and to the public – about their vital services.

During the course of the day, there were panel discussions with leading mental health professionals covering a wide range of topics.

The first panel of the day was “Navigating the Mental Health System in Israel”, which featured a presentation by Avnei Chein’s Jenny Krainess, Batya Leidner from the Ministry of Health, Professor Yisrael Strous from Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital and Dr. Ariel Kor from the Israel Center on Addiction. Here is the video of the panel discussion.

Avnei Chein Presents Navigating the mental health system
Mental Health and Free Will event
Date: Sunday February 21
Time: 7:15 pm – Israel
12:15 pm – EST  
5:15 pm – UK
