Avnei Chein at the Kehilla Summit -
June 21, 2022

Organizations in the Community – Integration and Influence.


Sol Jakubowicz of Avnei Chein - Organizations in the community - Integration and Influence

The Kehillah Summit – brought together leading individuals within the Anglo-Charedi group in Israel—Rabbis, educators, and activists—to stimulate constructive thought and action within this large and growing group.

Over two days at the Ramada Hotel in Jerusalem (21-22 June 2022) participants heard lectures from leading speakers, participated in specific breakout development sessions, and engaged in the kind of collective brainstorming from which most good ideas are born.

One of the basic purposes of the summit was networking—enabling a meeting of interested parties whose collaboration can bring much good.

The evening session on the first night of the Summit wasa presentation entitled Organizations in Community – Integration and Influence.  Sol Jakubowicz, one of Avnei Chein’s founders and Executive Director presented the organization and their role in the Community. 

Avnei Chein - Organizations in the community - Integration and Influence
Mental Health and Free Will event
Date: Sunday February 21
Time: 7:15 pm – Israel
12:15 pm – EST  
5:15 pm – UK
